属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-聪明不在 Not so smart now
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-星光灿烂 英格兰的冥想
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-细菌和行为学 肠道反应
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿里埃勒·沙龙 也许会有人怀念他
1 | 雨村欢喜,自不必说,乃封百金赠封肃,外谢甄家娘子许多物事,令其好生养赡,以待寻访女儿下落. | We need not dwell on Yucun’s satisfaction. He gave Feng Su a hundred pieces of silver and sent Mrs. Zhen many gifts, urging her to take good care of her health while he aseertamedher daughter s whereabou. | |
2 | 这一点他以后会详细谈的。 | He’ll dwell on the point later | |
3 | 姊妹们暮年相会,自不必说悲喜交集,泣笑叙阔一番. | We need not dwell on the mingled delight and sorrow of these two sisters meeting again in the evening of life or all their tears, laughter and reminiscences. | |
4 | ||1:卡内曼并没有详述我们认知偏见的进化源头,也没有花太多笔墨解释为什么有些人天生就比其他人善于规避错误。||2:但他的这本书作为给大众的普及型读物是十分出色。||3:正如哥白尼提出了地球是宇宙的中心,达尔文指出人类不是万物之灵,卡内曼也展示了我们人类并没有自己想象的那样充满理性的智慧。||4:卡内曼被人们称为行为经济学之父(和特沃斯基并称),他的理论影响了许多学科,甚至给一些政策的制定提供了参考。 | ||1:Mr Kahneman does not dwell on the possible evolutionary origins of our cognitive biases, nor does he devote much time to considering why some people seem naturally better at avoiding error than others.||2:Still this book, his first for a non-specialist audience, is a profound one.||3:As Copernicus removed the Earth from the centre of the universe and Darwin knocked humans off their biological perch, Mr Kahneman has shown that we are not the paragons of reason we assume ourselves to be.||4:Often hailed as the father of behavioural economics (with Tversky as co-parent), his work has influenced a range of disciplines and has even inspired some policy. | |
5 | ||1:英伦风的概念,以及其演变过程正是“迪伊博士”的核心所在。||2:在英格兰到达鼎盛时期之前,这部歌剧看起来几乎令人无比神往。||3:从作品中可以看到衣着华贵的女王伊丽莎白一世漂浮在她的领土之上(见图)。||4:挂着圣乔治旗帜的庞大舰队横渡舞台。||5:不过“迪伊博士”音乐剧并没有局限于这些荣耀的年代。||6:相反,它是从21世纪的眼光角度审视迪伊这个人。||7:亚邦先生和他的音乐剧团俯视整个进程并且从导演鲁夫斯诺里斯称作“正在衰败的民族”的角度来看待每一件事。||8:这部精彩的音乐剧既是英国的歌颂,又是对一个国家的星光逐渐黯淡的挽歌。 | ||1: The notion of Englishness, and what has become of it, is at the heart of “Dr Dee”. ||2: The opera looks almost longingly at an age before England had reached its peak. ||3: The production sees a magnificent Queen Elizabeth I float above her realm (pictured). ||4: A great fleet flying the flag of St George sails across the stage. ||5: But “Dr Dee” does not dwell on these days of glory. ||6: Instead, it considers Dee from a 21st-century perspective. ||7: Mr Albarn and his troupe of musicians sit suspended above the proceedings, observing everything from the vantage of what Rufus Norris, the director, calls “a nation in decline”. ||8: This fine opera is both a celebration of England and a lament for a nation whose star is on the wane. | |
6 | 大部分的小行星都位于火星和木星的轨道之间。但近地小行星(即NEAS)也不少,它们距离地球很近,值得勘探。当然,费用要划得来才行。 | Most asteroids dwell between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. But enough of them, known as near-Earth asteroids, or NEAs, come within interplanetary spitting distance of humanity for it to be worth investigating them as sources of minerals—if, of course, that can be done economically. | |
7 | 每位有代表性的人的裂纹和缝隙里生活着无数的微小生物,它们的数目如此之多可能超过它们所依靠并栖息的人体细胞。 | An extraordinary profusion of microscopic critters inhabit every crack and crevice of the typical human, so many that they probably outnumber the cells of the body upon and within which they dwell. | |
8 | 如果内塔尼亚胡想被以同样的方式铭记,他就应该以此为鉴。 | If Mr Netanyahu wants to be mourned in the same way, he should dwell on that. | |
9 | 1,沉溺于过去发生的不愉快的事情。 | Dwell on things that happened in the past. | |
10 | 别沉溺于过去,你的历史无法抹去,但你的未来等着你书写! | Don’t dwell on the past. Your history can’t be erased, but your future has yet to be written! | |
11 | 不过我不想在这里详细讨论这些负面的问题。 | But I don’t want to dwell on the negative side of this. | |
12 | 不厌其烦地谈论墓地以及诸如此类的事乃是一种病态…… | It’s morbid to dwell on cemeteries and suck like . . . | |
13 | 不要沉湎于错误和失望中难以自拔,有时它们是生活不可或缺的组成部分,学 | Refuse to dwell on the mistakes or disappointments that are sometimes a part of life, instead learn how you can make things better. | |
14 | 不要老用消极的方法想问题,也不要纠结于一些缺点。 | Resist this negative approach. Don’t dwell on a few shortcomings. | |
15 | 不要让自己对那些你没有做好的事情念念不忘,关注于你曾快乐、满足的时候。 | Instead of allowing yourself to dwell on things you did not do well, focus on the moments where you were happy and content. | |
16 | 不要太过沉迷过去或者执着于未来:过去的已经过去,未来也许从未来过。 | Don’t dwell on the past or cling to the future: The past has happened and the future may never come. | |
17 | 沉溺于思考潜能,就是在否定自己、用自己所没有实现的东西来界定自己,而非用自己实际的情况来肯定自己。 | To dwell on potential is to define ourselves negatively, in terms of what we are not, rather than positively, for what we are. | |
18 | 承认自己曾经伤害过这个人,但是不要对这个问题考虑得太久。这件事过去就让它过去。 | Acknowledge what you did to hurt this other person, but do not dwell on the problem for too long. You have to let it go. | |
19 | 从那时起,长期的沉默都没有被打破,Beverly意识到不应该原地踏步。 | Since then, the long silence has been almost unbearable, but Beverly has learned not to dwell on setbacks. | |
20 | 大多数人在考场如果压制畏惧情绪,而不是接受它,或者摆脱不了对自己的负面偏见,他们也可能发挥失常。 | Most people tend to flub on exams when they suppress rather than acknowledge fears, or dwell on negative stereotypes of themselves. | |
21 | 当我失去信心,陷于失败时,我会想出更多的失败理由,来支持失败信念。 | When I lose confidence and dwell on failure, I come up with even more facts to add to the failure list, strengthening the failure belief. | |
22 | 对此我们不必追根究底,因为跨度长达20年的经济场景本就不可能十分精确。 | We need not dwell on the details of this, since it is not in the nature of 20-year economic scenarios to be strictly accurate. | |
23 | 对于大多数俄罗斯人来说,这些掌管着俄罗斯公司的人的出身并不是他们反复说的那么回事。 | For the vast majority of Russians, the pedigree of the men now running Russia Inc. is not something they dwell on . | |
24 | 或者,你的某支股票不断贬值,你就会不断回想那个你能脱手赚到钱的时机。 | Or perhaps one of your investments fall in value, and you dwell on the time when you could’ve sold it while in the money. | |
25 | 或者,我们被告知不要总是念着过去的滥用权力不放,因为我们不会再重蹈覆辙。 | Alternatively, we’re told that we don’t have to dwell on past abuses, because we won’t repeat them. | |
26 | 简而言之,但凡是在世界上有吹嘘资本的,他们差不多都有那么一手。这倒不是说他们喜欢陈耽往事。 | In short, they gave the world a fine hand in almost any game of international bragging rights, not that they like to dwell on the past. | |
27 | 久而久之,他们被训练得开始依赖甚至庆祝这种感情,这种因为等某人来电话或者只给自己一个人热饭而带来的苦乐参半的情感。 | They are trained to dwell on , and even celebrate, the bitter-sweet sensations of waiting for a phone call and microwaving meals-for-one. | |
28 | 您可能纠结于对过去的悔恨 | You may dwell on past regrets. | |
29 | 让一些事情不说出来最好的方法就是不去想,或者如果我已经想到,那么就不做停留。 | The best way to leave things unsaid is to leave them unthought, or if I’ve thought them, not to dwell on them. | |
30 | 如果不顺利的话,你还可以安排周末去见见朋友,而不用一个人顾影自怜。 | And if it doesn’t work out, you can arrange to see friends at the weekend and not dwell on your disaster. |